The sprites:
Throughout this game, there are a lot of sprite that are used. Without these sprites, the game would not function properly. The sprite creator / editor in GameMaker Studio has made it quite simple and easy to make the sprites.
Main sprites including AI players:
This sprite that I have made for the main playable person in the game is quite simple. The size of the sprite is 32 x 32 and it just consists of using the circle shape tool as well as the bucket tool to give it the colour. After making the sprites that size, I realized that they were too small, so I placed them in the game room and stretched them to make them bigger. Also with this sprite, I printed the letters "ME" in the middle of the sprite to indicate that, that is you playing.
sprite_ai_player_one, sprite_ai_player_two and sprite_ai_player three:
I made these sprites the same way I made the sprite_main_player, but the only thing different is that I printed the letters "AI" in the middle to let the players know that they are AI players.
Again, if I had more time, I would have created better sprites rather than a plain circle with colour. By doing this, I think it would have made the game more appealing to other people.
Another thing I should have done was to make a timetable and allocate myself to tasks and how long it takes to complete those tasks rather than spending too much time on one particular task, which for me was the coding.
This image shows the player sprites in their own individual folders to organize the game, just in case someone wants to edit the game in any way. I have also done this throughout the game.
The cards:
For my cards in the game, I have split them into their own individual suits rather than having the cards load from one sprite using sub images.
I found a set of playing cards on the internet that was bundled into one picture and I dedicated my time to split up the cards and save them in separate folders for the different suits to make it easier to import to GameMaker. This picture does not show all the cards because the list is too long but there are 52 cards in 4 suits.
The resolution of the cards are 74 x 98. The cards can be scaled down to a smaller size if needed.
Menu buttons:
In my game, I have created a simple menu with four buttons that have their own individual functions set either by code or drag & drop functions in GameMaker.
Functional buttons in the game:
In this picture, you can see the buttons that will be seen when playing game such as the stick button, twist, button and restart button. The busted button isn't really a button and I'm unsure of why I have called it that. That will display when either you or the AI player loses.
The restart button deals a new deck of cards and also resets the game scores. The stick button, the twist button and the restart button are code based which was easier for me to edit if I needed to make any changes.
Other sprites:
These really have no purpose of being in the game because they do nothing but display the name of the players.
The reason I added this, is so that the player that is playing my game doesn't get confused with the players, even though the AI players have "AI" printed in the middle and the main playable character has "ME" printed in the middle.
The coding side to the game:
My game runs off 90% of code and 10% drag and drop (roughly). I will explain what each script does in the game.
This sets everything up for the game so things run the way they should.
This script shuffles the cards when the game starts.
This script initialises the AI players for when the game starts.
This script is for the cards. What this script does is, it assigns the card names to the correct suit of the cards, so when they drawn to each player, the game knows which cards each player has so it can't duplicate the card more than once.
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